Orchestra Membership

We invite your interest in playing with the Civic Orchestra of Minneapolis.
Please visit the the Auditions page for more information and use its contact form to schedule an appointment.
The Civic Orchestra of Minneapolis has drawn players from all walks of life and brings music to people of all ages and interests. As it has from its founding, the Civic continues to provide high quality orchestra concerts to the public free of charge. The orchestra offers talented amateur and professional musicians the opportunity of performing the outstanding orchestral repertoire of the past and the present.
ATTENDANCE Members are expected to attend all rehearsals. As we strive for excellence, having everyone at a rehearsal is important. If you must miss a rehearsal or a concert please contact your sectional leader or the conductor. Absences are considered at the discretion of the conductor and may result in not being able to play a concert.
SUBSTITUTES Wind, brass, and percussion players are responsible for arranging for substitutes for any rehearsals or concerts they will miss, with advance notice to the Music Director.
PUNCTUALITY Rehearsal starts at 6:45 p.m. with tuning. Members should be present and ready to play by that time. The call time for each concert will be announced at the dress rehearsal or the last regular rehearsal prior to the concert.
REHEARSALS We rehearse on Tuesday nights from 6:45 PM – 9:00 PM from September through mid-May. We also usually rehearse the day preceding a concert from 10 AM – 12:30 PM. This is typically on a Saturday as most of our concerts are on Sunday. Our rehearsals are usually at the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd (4801 France Ave. South, Minneapolis, MN, 55410). If a concert is in a different location, usually the Saturday rehearsal preceding the concert will be at the concert location. A schedule of rehearsals and performances for the year is published at the beginning of the season. Emergency changes are announced as far in advance as possible.
MUSIC All music must be at every rehearsal and concert. If a member needs to be absent from either, the section leader must be notified. Music must be left on the stage or in the music box after the final performance of a program. Marks on the music are to be made carefully in soft pencil. Lost parts will be paid for by the assignee.
AUDITIONS Section leaders should work with the Music Director and Orchestra Manager to arrange auditions as needed.
CONCERT DRESS It is important for the orchestra to show respect for the music they are playing as well as for the audience. Men are to wear tuxedo or black suit, white shirt, black bow tie and black footwear. Women are to wear basic black with long skirt/pants and long sleeves.
DUES The orchestra is member-supported by dues of $135 per year. Dues are to be paid by October 1st. Members can pay in cash or by check or can use PayPal. Nobody is turned away for financial reasons, so alternatives to monetary dues can be arranged. If you must make alternative arrangements, please discuss them with the orchestra manager or the board president.
PAY YOUR DUES WITH PAYPAL Members can easily use PayPal to pay their dues. Click the "Buy Now" button to go to the orchestra's PayPal window and follow prompts from there. Thank you!