
Welcome to the audition information page for the Civic Orchestra of Minneapolis.
Thank you for your interest in the orchestra. Our mission is to foster an enriching experience for musicians and audiences of the Twin Cities by presenting music at the highest level of any non-professional ensemble. Performances for our regular season take place from October to May, and we have a summer concert, usually in July.
Rehearsals usually take place on Tuesday nights at 6:45 pm at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, 4801 France Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55410.
The Civic Orchestra of Minneapolis announces auditions for the following positions:
Section Strings
Section String Auditions
Section string auditions can be arranged anytime during a concert season. Although not required, we typically will first invite you to join us for a rehearsal so you can try us out as you consider becoming a member. Following this rehearsal, you will be asked to schedule an audition.
For the audition, please prepare a 3 octave D Major scale played slowly and a 5-minute piece of your choice. The audition will also include sight reading.
Use the Contact Us form at the bottom of the page to express interest, raise questions about the orchestra, and to supply your contact information.
Substitute/Extra Players
From time to time, the Civic Orchestra requires substitute players in all sections in either rehearsal or concert. As repertoire requires, we also expand our forces, especially in the brass, woodwind, and percussion sections, though extra strings are certainly welcome as well. To be considered for our sub list or as an extra feel free to contact us via the form below.
For more information and to schedule an audition time, please fill out the form below. Please be sure to include information about what instrument you play, and any other details which are pertinent to your situation.
Thank you for your interest!